
Best Application For Windows PC | Laptop

Best Application For Windows PC | Laptop
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 Windows is the leading operating system for personal computers. There is another os like mac, Linux they are pretty good. But the average best user rating will be found only in windows. It is good for every type of user. Doesn’t matter if you are a gamer, streamer, developer, and so on. It fits every type of user. The main reason is windows gives users a pretty simple user interface and also the ability to run the third-party application without any problem. So let’s get into some must-have windows applications.

Splash Wallpaper App

Splash is one of the most needed apps for everyone. Do you want your windows background to change automatically with new pictures from the internet? So that every day you can see a new HD wallpaper on your screen. You don’t need to change manually. Because it requires a lot of effort to change wallpaper manually. Then here comes our app splash. Splash will do the work automatically. It will generate a new image from the world of image Unsplash.com. You can give your suggestions on which type of image you want. Put it there splash will search using thAt keyword and keep changing wallpaper according to the time set by you. Splash is also available for mobile and other os. To install it right now. Also Available in Microsoft Store.

Lively Live Wallpaper

Lively is also a wallpaper app. If you want gorgeous-looking live wallpaper for your pc you can go with lively. It has a built-in wallpaper library. It has some cool collections there. That will just make your windows look cool. Yeah, it will use your GPU power. For a laptop, I don’t recommend it because of the battery power. I will stop running in the background if you are running a game or something. That’s why you won’t use your GPU while doing other stuff. You can use live video footage as livewallper in lively. There is some online website that provides video for live wallpapers. Download and use it. Lively will make your windows look more attractive than others. It is also available for Mac.

Nexus Dock

If you want a dock-like mac on your windows pc, then install nexus dock. With that app, you can create that same-looking dock in windows using nexus dock. Using that dock will make your pc cleaner. Just drag and drop your useful app in the dock. Just install and select your theme from their various theme collection. Then you are good to go. You got similar-looking cool docks on windows pc. That is cool stuff. So start using it from today.

Sticky Note

It is a Microsoft build app. You can use it for small notes. That will stick to your windows home screen. To keep a reminder for something or whatever you want to note. This is also a cool app for windows. Give it a try.

Windows’s Phone

Windows has a built Phone control app for it. It can control every type of phone. You can access your phone call, messages, and other apps from your phone. Like, install, WhatsApp, and other things. It is pretty cool. Give it a shot.

Awesun Remote Desktop

Yeah, I know there is a team viewer for remote desktop works. But awesome in good for controlling windows pc from the phone. It is quite user-friendly. You can use a touch screen for work. Sometimes you need to control some stuff from outside or inside the home. Just install on both devices and log in using your same account on both devices. Them start your phone and control your pc using your phone. It can do everything but gaming.

Google Drive For Desktop

Google drive’s latest update for desktops is outstanding. It will create an extra drive on your file manager. From there, you can access all of your files. You can stream your files from google drive using your native player. It has also a sync feature that will sync your files from google to pc and pc to google drive. So that your files have a backup every time you make changes. So go ahead and try it. It is cool. You can also have multiple accounts there. And use all of them for your backup. It is highly recommended the app.

Nexus Pc Specs Monitor App

Nexus is one of the most popular apps for testing pc benchmarks. It will show your pc specs accurately. You can also use it to see your CPU usage. Cpu temperature to get an idea if you need an extra fan or cooler. You will have an idea if something going on behind your pc. So that you can take action to solve that issue. You can enable setting for monitoring game fps (frame per second) and other stuff like how much ram a game is causing while gaming. Nexus company mainly makes pro-level water cooler and cooler for gaming computers. It is their official software. So this software is reliable. Go and start monitoring your pc usage.

Best Browser

When it comes to choosing a browser first-come chrome. But we all know how much chrome uses ram. It almost uses 80-90% ram of your system. That’s why you need to use a browser that is less ram-consuming. I highly recommend the Opera browser, then firefox, and at last Microsoft Edge browser. These are the less ram-consuming browser. You can open multiple windows in one single browser. That will just work fine. You can run other apps smoothly while using this browser.

That’s it. All of these mentioned apps are really good for windows. You can try it right now. They all have good support. Updates in a few days or weeks. That will keep your device totally updated. It will also work smoothly in the updated windows version. Some of them do have a premium version. If you want to go with the premium you can also do that. But for that feature you have to pay an amount every month or year or for permanent. But for most of them, the free plan is way more than enough. In premium, you will get better support from the developer, so if you face any problem developer will assist you. This is the plus point of the premium plan. It’s up to you if you want to go with the premium plan.

About the Author

Hey! I'm Daud, Currently Working in IT Company BD. I always like to learn something new and teach others.

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