
What is Discord | All About Discord

What is Discord | All About Discord
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 Discord is a VOIP chatting system where a user can send messages, create audio and video calls, stream any videos and send media & files in private chats or in a community called a server. Discord was initially released 6 years ago on 13th May 2015. Now in 2021, Discord has over 150 million monthly active users and over 350 million registered users. Anyone can use discord on Windows, Android, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and also in web browsers.

Discord is a standard communicating system for a community. As it provides text, audio & video call, file transfer, and video streaming service privately or publicly. In the beginning, It was popular mostly in the gamers community. But nowadays, with all its features, discord is globally popular among all kinds of communities communicate among them. Discord servers, chat rooms, channels, direct messages, video call streaming, etc. are useful features for a user.


A discord server is a place where there is a group of channels for an organized community. Any user can create a server with up to 250 channels for free. An ordinary server can have the highest 8,00,000 members. Though in 2021 discord raised the capacity up to 1 million members.

Discord gives the opportunity to verify a server like verified social accounts. Verified servers have badges that mark them to be as the verified or official servers. Verified servers can be moderated by discord developers or their own moderation team. At the end of 2017, there were 450 verified servers.

Users can buy boosts for their servers for only $4.99 per month. It allows them to unlock high-quality voice channels, fantastic emoji slots, etc.


Channels in a discord server are used for instant messaging, audio & video streaming and file sharing. Any discord channel access can be customized. Only users with proper permission can access to those channels. Temporary text channels are called threads. Those will automatically disappear after some time or mentioned time.

Direct messages-

Discord allows users to send messages, files, or make an audio/video call, live streaming with others outside any server. This is called direct message. In this system, users can create a group of up to 10 users for private communication. This system works like a discord server channel.

User profiles-

Every registered discord user must create a username. Every user name has a four-digit number prefixed with ‘#’. This number or code is called discriminatory. This number at the end of a username allows multiple users to use the same name.

Every discord user can have a profile picture. Discord Nitro subscribers can use an animated profile picture and a profile banner image. Users can add some information in their About Me section to their profile.

Video calls & streaming-

In October 2017, discord started a system for their user to create private video calls among up to 10 people. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was increased to 50 due to its popularity.

Discord expanded this system to a live streaming channel in discords in August 2019. In a discord server’s streaming channel, a user can share his screen while others can join the channel and can watch the stream.

Discord Nitro-

Discord Nitro is a subscription for discord to use or unlock some spatial tools, emojis, features, etc. In 2017, the very first paid subscription was released as Discord Nitro Classic. By paying $4.99 per month, users can use an animated avatar for profile, custom, or special emoji across all servers. Also then they can upload files from 8MB to 50Mb and can create their own discriminator.

To benefit special servers, discord brought server boosts to the users. Each boost costs $4.99 a month. With boosts, any server can get the ability to use an animated server icon, and high-quality audio in the voice channel, and members of the server can also be benefited. Discord Nitro users can get a 30% discount on server boost costs.

Discord Bots

Another cool feature of discord is its bot. There are many bots for different purposes to main things in discord. Some popular ones are Mee6 which is for listening to music. Members can join into a music room and listen to music together. There is some bot which enables us to watch videos together also.

Dank memer is another discord bot that can be used on a text channel to provide memes. Anyone can run a command to dank memer to ask and send memes.

GaAwsome bot is for customizing discord server to give it a more energetic look.

Tatsumaki bot can be used for creating welcome messages for members. Admins can control settings from the dashboard area.

Rythm is another bot like mee6 to play music. But it comes with more features.

Tickettools is another bot that provides users to create a temporary channel for that user and admins to have support. These tool bots can be used for any purpose. A business owner can give support to their discord customer easily using this ticket. There is a download transcript for the whole channel conversation option just to keep records. This really helps to maintain a business owner his business and customer.

Many popular game streamer uses different kinds of discord bots to maintain their discord servers. Some of the mentioned bots are really effective to maintain a server with thousands of members. Many companies use discord as their community service. Sometimes they also make their own custom bot to maintain different services.

Many web server provider uses their own discord bots to see server loads and status. It is very effective. Discord can show other members what app or games are you playing in the activity icon. It helps other to understand your and help them to connect with you.

Check out the discord bot documentation

In conclusion, discord is very useful for all kinds of content creators, organizations, and businesses to maintain work easily. Discord can hold up to 200-300K members on its server. It is very easy to interact with all the members within a few click.

About the Author

Hey! I'm Daud, Currently Working in IT Company BD. I always like to learn something new and teach others.

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