
Top 5 Best Antivirus Software for Windows PC

Best Antivirus Software for Windows PC
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Top 5 Best Antivirus Software for Windows PC

Today i am Sharing Top 5 Best Antivirus Software for Windows PC

 If you are using any Windows machine like Windows PC or laptop, you might already face virus problems on Windows Device. To protect your device from viruses you must use better antivirus software to prevent your important files from viruses. There is an inbuilt Windows defender system, but that doesn’t have that much power to keep your files safe from all kinds of viruses. If you are connected to the Internet 24/7 using your device, then you must use better antivirus software. An antivirus program will give you not only antivirus protection but also firewall and ransomware protection. So your device will be from network-level hackers or attackers. And firewall will also keep your personal network safe. There are a few popular antivirus software that provides free versions. But to get an extra level of security, you must buy it. Some provide a free trial version where you can get the complete software version for free. Here are Some popular antivirus software for windows:


Bitdefender is right now one of the most powerful antivirus programs for Windows. There has been a test where many antivirus programs were tested with viruses and it came out that Bitdefender was the best to defend against viruses. Bitdefender not only provides antivirus, but it also provides a powerful firewall, ransomware protection, and so many things. It has a built-in VPN system which you can use to hide your identity in online. It also has a file shredder and a separate browsing system where you can use your payment accounts to keep your data safe. Bitdefender will also save you from malicious and suspicious websites. It automatically detects those suspicious websites. Its real-time protection will immediately take action against viruses. It will always keep your system clean. Besides all the features Bitdefender will not use too much of your system memory or CPU. It’s not going to harm your computer performance. But in the background, a defender will protect your computer fully. There are many plans for bit defender. Personal and Family plans, you can choose according to your needs. In Bitdefender, you can also find three months free trial, where you will get the full version. You can test it for your device and then if you like it then you can buy it. If you buy one plan Bitdefender will also provide you a subscription for your other devices like Mac iPhone and Android.


Avast is another top-level antivirus software. Avast comes with a free version. The free version will only give you protection from a few viruses.  But with a plan, you will get Firewall security for your network. You will also get VPN Service, a Wi-Fi scan option for threads, ransomware protection, and so on. Avast has also a website protection feature to keep you safe from malicious websites. Another thing that avast provides with its pro plan is Virtual Machine where you can create any virtual machine and test suspicious applications. So that your main device doesn’t get affected by ransomware. Because ransomware execution will encrypt your entire system files. This is why the virtual machine is important if you are using any suspicious applications or unknown applications from unknown developers. This will really help you to keep your device safe. Avast will automatically update its software every week. Besides, it won’t use too much of your ram or CPU. So if you are doing any productive work or gaming it won’t affect it. Like Bitdefender it also comes with various plans, you can buy according to your need. It also has a trial option you can check it out. Avast also comes with security for all platforms such as Android, iPhone, and Mac.


Kaspersky is another premium-level antivirus software for PC. It has many kinds of features. Real-time protection firewall manager and more. It also comes with ransomware protection. Kaspersky also comes with enterprise-level security. If you are running a company and especially an IT Company you must use Kaspersky for your entire system. You can control all the computers in your network using the Kaspersky interface. You can create multiple users using Kaspersky and give them different security power. That will really help manage your security in Your company. Kaspersky also provides backup for your files just in case it gets affected by viruses you will always have a backup copy to keep your work safe. Kaspersky is also powerful antivirus software for personal computers. It comes with various kinds of features. It will also scan your email to check for spam. It is like all one solution for viruses. It is available for all platforms such as Android, ios, mac, etc.


Malwarebytes is another popular antivirus software. It comes with various features like malware protection, web protection, ransomware Protection and exploit protection. It has all the security as other software has. It also offers unlimited VPN service with its paid plan. Users can use different locations in the VPN. And it is totally secured. It can be used for all purposes. It has a free trial version for 60days. It may ask you to provide credit card details for that. You can give it a shot. If you liked it you can check out their yearly plan which starts at 39$/year. Its most expensive plan is 99$/year. With an expensive plan, you will get a better version of VPN and other premium-level features. Malwarebytes doesn’t have a full system scan system. You will have to select a partition or folder to scan. In my test, Malwarebyte’s protection rate was 99% whereas Bitdefender did 100%. It is clear that Bitdefender is the best antivirus software. Malwarebytes also has applications for all other platforms, you can buy one subscription and use that account on all of your other devices. Like other antivirus software, it also provides you with 24/7 support. You can message their support platform at any time.

All these are top-level antivirus software. Before you buy a long-term plan you should first consider using their trial plan. So that you can test which one is better for you. There is also other antivirus software like Avira, and Total Security 360. You can also try those.  But for personal use, I would recommend Bitdefender. It has a three-month free trial version. Where you can get all the things for free. Then when the trial ends you can renew your subscription at any time. It will keep your system secured from any kind of Threat. You will find 24/7 live support while using bit defender and they will support you on any issue. No need to worry about viruses or ransomware anymore.

5. Mcafee :

McAfee Total Protection is a dedicated software security tool that will monitor your Mac as you work, looking for unauthorised software activity such as browser search engine hacks, attempts to trick you into installing unwanted software, and actual malware and virus attacks.

It is very simple to use; once you’ve walked through the guided steps for giving it permission to work behind the scenes it is essentially something you can just leave to get on with its job.

Total Protection also offers WebAdvisor as an option, steering you from known problem sites and warning you when you visit questionable ones. It also offers a software firewall for two-way network traffic monitoring.

We noted some occasional performance impacts as it ran in the background, but it was largely unobtrusive in its efforts. The option of protecting other devices is useful as well, covering smartphones and Windows PCs as you require.

It’s worth noting that the Windows version in particular offers more features, such as a native VPN, which you don’t get in the Mac app.

You can get McAfee Total Protection here.

Our Best Antivirus Software List  of 2023

To help protect your Windows 11 or Windows 10 computer, here's our rating of the Best Antivirus Software of 2023:

  •  Bitdefender
  •  Norton
  •  Kaspersky
  •  ESET
  •  Webroot
  •  Avast
  • McAfee
  •  Trend Micro
  •  Avira
  •  AVG Technologies
  •  Malwarebytes
  •  Sophos

About the Author

Hey! I'm Daud, Currently Working in IT Company BD. I always like to learn something new and teach others.

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